Sunday, January 22, 2017

Pro Life In Word and Deed

Today is Sanctity of Human Life Sunday. There have been so many thoughts running through my mind lately on the sanctity of human life and being pro life within the Church. Pro-life is a phrase that seems to be thrown around in the Christian circle, but our actions do not always reflect such a seemingly strong conviction found in the Church. I believe Christians are to be pro-life not only with their words but in deed as well. The word part comes easily, doesn't it? But the deed part is where we seem to fail. How awesome would it be if the Church was known to be a safe place for women who find themselves with an unwanted pregnancy? Or if Christians were known as people who prioritized adoption and adoption was a norm, instead of being a topic only discussed when infertility is a reality. (Side note: It has been so sad to me how many people assume we are adopting out of infertility....really, it breaks my heart. Adoption for us, is a calling. Not a Plan B. I like to think if more women realized their babies were valued by believers, maybe they wouldn't be so quick to abort.)

I encourage you, if you are pro-life, to reflect on if your deeds and actions match up with what you say you believe.

I could write about how being pro-life is so much more than just being anti-abortion,  but now is not the time or place for that. (If you would like to talk about it, please let me know!) What I do want to offer you is some suggestions for how you can be pro-life in deed.

1. Give your home. If you are someone who the Lord has called to adopt or be a foster family, do it. I am by no means an expert on adoption, but I would love to talk to you about what I do know about it and how my family has been radically changed through the blessing of adoption and foster care.

2. Give your resources. I by no means think everyone is called to adopt or foster, but I do believe every believer has responsibility to care for orphans in some capacity. Your capacity may be your resources. Maybe you can financially support someone who is going through the adoption process. Maybe you can help meet a physical need of a foster family. Maybe you could support the single mother who chose not to abort her baby. The needs are there when you open your eyes to see them.

3. Give your time. Get involved and volunteer your time at pro-life clinics and ministries. For my Jackson friends, Birth Choice is an awesome ministry. For my friends in Memphis, Life Choices is a great place. Or maybe you could become a respite care family for foster families so you can babysit/watch their babies. They need breaks, too. Or maybe you can invest in the life of the single Mama and be there to listen and support her as she navigates motherhood.

This is by no means an exhaustive list on ways to be pro-life in deed, but I pray it is a launching point for you as you reflect on being pro-life in deed.  

**Disclaimer: I am aware that chances are,  there are ladies within my circle of reach who have aborted babies . If you are one of those women, please know you are so loved and that there is grace, comfort, and forgiveness in Jesus. If you need a listening ear or someone to walk along side of you...please let me know. :) **

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